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Brigid Adviento



Brigid was born in Los Angeles and grew up in San Bernardino. She attended Urbita Elementary and Richardson Prep HI, and graduated from CHS in 2008. At Cajon, she received her IB Diploma and graduated as one of the four valedictorians. After graduation, Brigid attended the University of Chicago, where she graduated received a Bachelor of Arts in biology with honors in 2012.


In Chicago, Brigid was awakened to the extreme education and health disparities that existed between different communities, so she became involved in public health projects that allowed her to understand how researchers were attempting to tackle these problems. These projects included the South Side Health and Vitalities Studies, the Urban Health Initiative, the Teenage Pregnancy and Prevention Initiative, and the Initiative on Islam and Medicine.


From 2012-2014, Brigid worked in a lab at the University of California, San Francisco that studied the genetics of autism. She researched the relationship between autism and well-defined genetic disorders, as well as the relationship between gender and autism. She also played violin in a women’s symphony and a Latin jazz orchestra.


Brigid is now in her first year at the Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, where she manages a student-run clinic at a treatment facility for women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. She is also working towards her Masters of Public Health with a focus on epidemiology. She is interested in women’s health and genetics, and she spends her free-time running, doing yoga, playing pick-up volleyball, and enjoying the city.

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